- Popularly recognized as the first boardgame convention in Sub-Saharan Africa, the African Boardgames Convention- AB Con, for the past 6 years has been the largest gathering of tabletop games lovers, enthusiasts, designers, publishers and manufacturers in this part of the world. AB Con aims to introduce people to the beautiful experience of tabletop games with two high key establishment aims:
- To boost the growth of the tabletop games industry in Africa
- To bring together a community of tabletop games lovers, enthusiasts, designers, publishers and many more
In 2021, for the fifth edition of the African Boardgames Convention, over 600 people on kickstarter backed a campaign to host the biggest ever edition of AB Con, yet. With over 700 in-person attendees and hundreds of games played in a single day event, AB Con 2021 was indeed a massive success.
Evidently, the team at AB Con is in no way slowing down in their efforts of supporting the building of an amazing industry for tabletop games in Africa. Still in line with boosting the growth of the African tabletop games industry, AB Con is announcing the AB Con games bundle!
The AB Con Bundle is a project to introduce new games displayed at the convention to the rest of the world. Each year, a careful selection of games will be added to the bundle.
For this year, two games have been selected :
Instant Sync and Bidding Room: Underground.
Instant Sync is a social party game for 3-10 players that is sure to cause the whole room to shake with laughter as you try to pick the same pairing of words as others in the group to get “in sync”
Bidding Room: Underground is a strategic bidding game where you undermine opponents in a bid to obtain incredible African art.
Bidding Room: Underground is designed by our own Kenechukwu Ogbuagu KC and published by NIBCARD Games while Instant Sync is designed by Oluwafemi Olusanya and published by Centroid Games.
The campaign is set to launch on the 28th of February, 2022. To get notified, click here.